Version: Next

Create user / wallet

To be able to interact with the trustlines protocol a user, i.e. wallet, is needed. You therefore have to create an instance and load it into the library. The wallet manages your key pair and is used for cryptographically signing transactions, thus enabling the establishment of trustlines and transfers. Depending on the initial configuration of the TLNetwork instance, you can create either a new instance of type ethers or type identity. The former type is based on the wallet object of the ethers.js library, whereas the second type uses an identity contract to enable meta-transactions.

Create instance of type safe#

A user of type safe is based on a Gnosis Safe contract. The Gnosis Safe is a smart contract that acts as your identity on chain. You control it with your private key and we make a use of meta-transactions to pay for the gas costs of your transactions.

import {WALLET_TYPE_SAFE} from "./TLWallet"
const gnosis = new TLNetwork({
relayUrl: "",
messagingUrl: "",
identityFactoryAddress: "0x1234...",
identityImplementationAddress: "0x1234...",
gnosisSafeL2Address: "0x3E5c63644E683549055b9Be8653de26E0B4CD36E",
gnosisSafeProxyFactoryAddress: "0xa6B71E26C5e0845f74c812102Ca7114b6a896AB2",
chainId: 100,
safeRelayUrl: "",
const newIdentityUser = await gnosis.user.create()
await gnosis.user.loadFrom(newIdentityUser)
// Additional step to deploy the identity contract of newly created user
const txHash = await gnosis.user.deployIdentity()

Create instance of type ethers#

Note that a user of type ethers can not use meta-transactions.

const ethers = new TLNetwork({
protocol: "https",
wsProtocol: "wss",
host: "",
path: "/api/v1",
walletType: "ethers",
const newEthersUser = await ethers.user.create()
await ethers.user.loadFrom(newEthersUser)

Create instance of type identity#

A user of type identity makes use of meta-transactions. Therefore, the addresses of the deployed identity factory and implementation contracts have to be set. An additional step of deploying the identity contract of the newly created user is also necessary.

const identity = new TLNetwork({
protocol: "https",
wsProtocol: "wss",
host: "",
path: "/api/v1",
walletType: "identity",
identityFactoryAddress: "0x8D2720877Fa796E3C3B91BB91ad6CfcC07Ea249E",
identityImplementationAddress: "0x8BEe92893D3ec62e5B3EBBe4e536A60Fd9AFc9D7",
const newIdentityUser = await identity.user.create()
await identity.user.loadFrom(newIdentityUser)
// Additional step to deploy the identity contract of newly created user
const txHash = await laika.user.deployIdentity()