Version: Next


The relay server can be configured via a config.toml file. You can find an example config in the repository: config.toml. Notably, the connection to the running blockchain node required by the relay can be configured via the keys under [node_rpc]

## Possible values for connection type are ipc, and http. Default: http
port = 8545
host = "localhost"
use_ssl = false
## or use an uri to automatically detect the correct provider. Example for ipc:
# uri = "file:///path-to-file.ipc"

Additionally, if the delegate service is enabled, the relay relies on an unlocked account on the connected node to sign transactions. This behaviour can be changed with the [account] keys

keystore_path = "keystore.json"
keystore_password_path = "keystore-password.txt"

In parallel to the config, the relay needs to know the addresses of deployed trustlines contracts. That is, which currency networks are deployed on the chain and the relay should let its users interact with, and which identity proxy factory the relay agrees to use to deploy identities for its users. You can find a example of the addresses.json file in the repository. The file contains the addresses of already deployed currency networks and identity proxy factory on the Trustlines Blockchain.

Once configured, the relay can be started with the command tl-relay. You can verify that it is correctly running with::

curl http://localhost:5000/api/v1/version