
We aim to be consistent.

We aim, but we are not always successful. As it is often the case with big projects developed over the span of several years - things are in flux. A pattern used at one particular point of time proves to be hard to use when things scale or requirements change.

This doc is a snapshot of the things learned over the past couple of years.

Folder Structure#

All files directly relevant to the app are located in /src. So far everything is shared so all files are located in /src/shared.

A babel plugin to rewrite module paths is used (babel-plugin-module-resolver) to enable non-relative file imports. We currently set the root to /src/shared in babel.config.js, so that we can import as follows

// in `/src/shared/some-folder/some-file.js`
import { MyComponent } from 'components/MyComponent' // absolute path `/src/shared/components/MyComponent`
// instead of
import { MyComponent } from '../../components/MyComponent'

see babel.config.js for details


This react-native app uses redux and redux-sagas to hold and manipulate it's state and handle side-effects.

More on state

Screens & Navigation#

The app uses react-navigation v4 to structure its content and make it accessible. All navigators (base for the structure of screens) and screens are located in /src/shared/navigation. However, not all code for navigation is currently here, even though it should be.

A js file in /src/shared/screens represents a single page / view / screen in the app and is used as a redux container. In the past, it was decided to prepare all data needed for the view in this component. This design that all data needs to be fetched here from the store does not make sense together with react-redux so we will try to move away from that, and have more redux containers further down the component hierarchy.


Currently, there are three navigators: StartNavigator, StackNavigator and SwitchNavigator.

SwitchNavigator is responsible for navigating the user either to the screens in StartNavigator or StackNavigator

StartNavigator includes all screens necessary for onboarding the user and initial actions in the app, i.e.:

  • Start screen
  • Sign up / Log in
  • Select user
  • Create user
  • Import user

StackNavigator in combination with TabNavigator includes the screens of the app once its setup is finished, i.e.:

  • Home screen
  • Contacts
  • Account
  • Send / Receive
  • Setting up trustlines


At the begining the components were used by the principles of the atomic design pattern ( With the time we realized that this is hard to maintain and moved away from it. Currently, we have container components and presentational components. The container components are responsible for dealing with the state and the presentational components for displaying the data.

Themes and Styling#

The app utilizes and extends the UI framework react-native-ui-kitten for styling components. See styling for more details.