Getting started

Since the Trustlines App is build with React-Native a pre-requisite is that you have set up your machine for React-native development. Make sure that you've followed the official React-Native Guide for building with the React-Native CLI.

Another pre-requisite is that you have a Firebase project set(used for tracking analytics and sending push notifications) and a Notifee account (a library used for displaying push notifications).

React-Native CLI!

Make sure that you've set up your environment for development with the React-Native CLI. The Trustlines app is not an Expo app and you won't be able to run it unless you configure your environment properly.

Before you Begin#

Keep the following things in mind

Package name

By default the iOS Bundle ID of the App is app.trustlines and the Android package name is network.trustlines.mobileapp. If you keep those names you won't be able to publish the app in the App Store or Android Play Store as those are taken by us. So if you want to publish your own version of the Trustlines App you'll have to modify the Bundle ID and the Android package name. Throughout this documentation we will use the default Bundle ID and Android package name, but you should make sure that you use the correct Bundle ID and Android Package name for your app.

Config flavors

The Trustlines App can be run in 3 modes - develop, staging, and production. We do this by providing config files for each of those modes. Additionally, every mode sets a different Bundle ID and Android Package name. If you don't want to set up all of those modes, just copy your default config for every mode.

Cloning the Repository#

git clone
cd mobileapp

Firebase Config#

Head up to your Firebase project and download the GoogleServices.plist(iOS) and google-services.json(android) config files.

Place the GoogleServices.plist file in /firebase/ios/** and the google-services.json file in /firebase/android/**. Later when you run yarn those files will be copied to /ios/firebase_environements (at xCode build time the correct .plist file will be copied to the ios bundle) and to /android/app/src/**

Notifee Config#

The app comes with a notifee.config.json.dist file. Rename this file to notifee.config.json and place the correct Notifee API keys.

More information about Notifee can be found here:


When running the app in debug mode you don't need valid Notifee keys.



This is optional and applies only if you want to use crowdin for your translation efforts.

Rename the crowdin.yml.dist file to crowdin.yml and specify your API keys in it.

.env Files#

Rename the .env.dist to .env.e2e, .env.develop, env.staging and env.production. The values in .env.dist would by default connect you with the trustlines staging relay server, which is connected to the Laika chain. The staging relay server is configured to pay for your transactions made on the Laika chain, so it can be used to quickly test the app.


The staging relay server is configured to use our firebase config for sending push notifications. Since the app that you build will use your own firebase project the push notification token that you generate will be incompatible with the push notification tokens that the staging server expects, and your app won't be able to send/receive push notifications.

Because of that you are recommended to run your own relay server instance and configure the app to connect to it.

Yarn Setup#

After you've spent some time setting up all pre-requisites it's time to get to the fun and install the required dependencies.

$ yarn

To run the app in debug mode first start the React-Native Metro server by running:

$ yarn run start

To compile the app in debug mode run

You first need to install the cocoapods dependencies. Move to the /ios folder and execute pod install

$ cd ios && pod install && cd ..

Now run

$ yarn run start:ios


Hot-reloading is available and can be enabled via the dev menu

Android & iOS: shake you device, really, not a joke. Shake it and the DEV menu will appear. While using the simulator hit cmd + d on iOS or cmd + m on Android to open the DEV menu

Common Issues#

"Unable to resolve module `stream` ...

run yarn run hack